Good morning to the American proletariat, to all of my comrades in the American Communist Party & to all of the class conscious and anti-imperialist voices who have been waiting patiently for months for us to break the silence from within the ACP:
Last year, I drove over 10,000 miles to Cleveland to Chicago to Kansas City to LA and everywhere in between to meet you all, to listen and to build. You all taught me so much about Palestine, about organizing, about the fake compatible left who failed us. You were my motivation for stepping up to form this party! I don’t care what the left says about you, you patriots and anti-imperialists are my sisters and brothers. I’ll always be grateful that I got to build with you in your cities and towns, in the trenches, in defense of our class. I wanted to believe so badly that these three letters right here (this is my red ACP hat that I got in Chicago) represented something different in the American trajectory. I have been trained in Marxism Leninism since 1994. I have worked with revolutionaries in 86 different countries in six different languages. What I have seen the last five months since the ACP was formed on July 21, 2024 is the antithesis, the opposite of what I believe in and everything Marx, Che, William Foster, Claudia Jones, WEB DuBois and Malcolm believed in.
We communists are anti-bullies. We do not believe in discrimination against gay people, women or leftists. The proletariat comes in every last color, shape and size. We seek unity and growth, not bullying and backwardness. I would apologize for the disgraceful ACP leadership, but the apology is not mine to give. Class struggle occurs everywhere, throughout the pores of this society, not just in the universities of the liberal left cancellers. I did what I had to do. I have no regrets nor resentments.

Now, I have to address you specifically about the person you know as “Haz.” His real name is Ali Hammoud from Dearborn, Michigan. Based on the past year working with him, I can tell you he is a fraud, a coward, a liar, a sadist, a loose cannon and a narcissist. He has used us all to try to make more money and to get more clicks and clout. He is completely adverse to working with others and to mentorship. To think that a streamer who lives on the second floor of his parent’s home could overnight become a leader of class struggle is beyond delusional. It is the gravest insult to our revered traditions as leaders of our class going back to Eugene Debs, Big John L. Lewis and our martyrs at the Bonus March, in Ludlow, Colorado and Harlan County, Kentucky.
Let me unpack what these past few months have looked like from within “leadership.”
On October 11, we had our national conference in Chicago where I met many of you. We all stayed in an Airbnb. It was all very strange. Kyle Pettis, the chief suck up, (and you are lucky you little bitch that I cannot use the language that you, your boss Ali Hammoud and the rest of the Executive Board uses with us everyday). Kyle sat Ali in a type of throne where the two were elevated high above us, the rest of the “leadership” at the mansion in Skokie. They were the only two invited to speak. They bragged about their contacts with oligarchs in Russia. This was all about Ali and Kyle. This was not about the Politburo, the Chapter Executives and least of all the American people. How many times have they put us all in danger?
On the next day, Saturday, I was the first to return to the Skokie mansion after the conference. I found all of the doors wide open with all of our possessions and laptops there. This is not a sober Leadership.

On November 1st, Kyle Pettis and Ali Hammoud lied to me, manipulated me and tricked me into a meeting with two American journalists who have been involved with the gangs in Haiti. Dan Cohen and Kim Ives have worked with paramilitary factions as hundreds of thousands of Haitians have been murdered, displaced and traumatized. Ali and Kyle had been maneuvering since April to try to muzzle me on Haiti and to try to silence the thousands of Haitians, whom I have learned from and worked with since I first went to Haiti in 1998. Allow me to salute the valiant people of Ayiti: Sa kap fèt pèp ayisyen. Si Barebecue se yon revolisyonè pou ki sa li toujou touye lòt pòv. Pèp ayisyen Ayibbbo! Jiskobou!
In preparation for that meeting, Ali and Kyle spoke with me for hours promising me they would not betray me. As soon as we got into the meeting, Kyle‘s face completely changed and he was all smiles with these two antagonistic actors. It was four on one. The entire meeting is recorded on a zoom that Ali promised to give me. He lied. He lied over and over. Cohen and Ives were taking advantage of the delusional wannabe warlord when there was a nation inundated with upwards towards 1,000,000 illegal U.S. arms. (It was irresponsible of me to frame something so sensitive the way I previously did. I issued an apology to the movement publicly. This is what I should have wrote. At the tail end of the meeting Ali Hammoud began to talk about his contacts with Russian oligarchs. He brought up the infamous g word. I observed the body language of Kyle Pettis, Dan Cohen and Kim Ives. Dan Cohen was reserved. Kyle Pettis was eager to pursue the possibilities with the Russians. Hammoud said that he wanted to open up a rural front in the Haitian countryside to support Barbecue through his contacts who could send g’s there. Kim Ives engaged on some level at the prospects of what this could mean. I had no right to imply there was anything concrete about what the braggart Hammoud was talking about. That was irresponsible of me. I take full responsibility for my mistake and I apologize to the movement. I know better than to do anything that would draw the attention of the state to any of us in the movement. In my attempt to capture Hammoud’s narcissism I involved two journalists who are far more intelligent than to engage in anything so reckless and irresponsible. This was Pettis and Hammoud’s adventuristic plan.) I raised every objection. They laughed and laughed at me, at the PSL, at Black Alliance For Peace & other groups who they said were “liberals” and “humanitarians” like me and actually cared about the masses. Why would Cohen and Ives take advantage of someone like Ali Hammoud who has zero experience as a leader? I was forced to contact my lawyers and submit a sworn affidavit of this reckless adventurism that put me and the entire party at risk.

I am curious comrades: What would the American people think of months of telegram chats, full of misogyny, hatred of gay people and women, sadism and much worse? How many screenshots does it take to sink the depraved, criminal cult of “HAZ?” These opportunists used my FBI detention and interrogation to make themselves look more militant to their foreign handlers. These sloppy amateurs put us all at risk every day. After all, who are we? We did not have 2.8 million bot followers on Twitter.
November 13th: Every Wednesday we met for Politburo meetings. On November 13th, minutes before the 7 PM start, Ali texted the Politburo Telegram chat that “he had to take a big shit and we would start 20 minutes later.”
On November 20, he texted that “there was a fat fa$$ot on the weight bench that he uses at the gym and we would start late again.”
He canceled or postponed any meeting he wanted to. He was testing us all. He was testing his power. The ACP was never ours, comrades; it belonged solely to Ali Hammoud and his lackeys. These 7 EB buffoons acted like we could not exist without him and his compadre Hinkle as you will see in the documentation that I will be sharing. Ali Hammoud and his flunkies were always afraid to put me in leadership. They tried to bribe me. They thought they could bully and break me. They were wrong!
I brought these critiques to the rest of Leadership. And this perhaps is the most difficult part for me to talk about. As you all know, I was very close to the Midwestern Marx Institute crew who brought me in a year and a half ago. After being cancelled some 21 times by “the left,” I yearned for comradeship and Marxist Leninist family. Because that is what this is all about comrades. Eddie, Noah and Carlos became “Executive Board” members back in July. I no longer recognized these individuals who I called “friends and comrades” and went to visit in their homes. Now I call them “Executive Noah, Executive Carlos and Executive Eddie.” Ever since the ACP was formed, they have elevated themselves above everybody else, above the rank and file and above the American people. Just because they are starting to earn salaries and have proximity to “power.” Our relationship has completely changed. They are unrecognizable to me. Pettis and Hammoud convinced them that they could not trust anyone besides them and the Executive Board. Noah, Carlos and Eddie are completely incapable of hearing one word of this. They too are victims but will have to realize this at their own pace. They even told me I was not allowed to talk to anyone in NY. Their worst fear was that I could train the 55 NY comrades in class struggle. These petty tyrants and wannabes are craven, pitiful boys! I had their backs and they plotted to ambush me in New York and on other occasions. I lost three friends but regained all the dignity they tried to strip from me.
December 21st: There was another incident last month at the height of the five-day Amazon Teamster workers strike. A lot of our New York members spend more time online than in real life. They have never built with the people. They are of the terminally online social media generation. I was here to train them. These are honest, generational problems we could have worked through. That is why I believed in this party. I wanted to build with the up-and-coming revolutionaries, just as the generation before me, trained by Fred Hampton, a real Chairman, trained me. Different critiques came up through the ranks which we articulated to national leadership. Kyle‘s response was that he was coming to New York City with Eddie and Hammoud to “castrate Spiros in front of everybody so that he could humiliate him like A____ for all of his fuck ups.”
God and nation were testing me. All I wanted to do was build up and train proletarian leadership. Again, I had to stand on business like a man and a communist. I pushed back and told the Executive Board that “they would never get close to any of my comrades in New York and that they would have to go through me and we would see who would come out castrated.” Spiros and I do not see eye to eye and I have my doubts about his honesty, but we can work that out as equals and as comrades.
Now they’re threatening to come this Sunday and make even more of a mockery of their own mess. How easy to blame the young 20-year-olds little larpers who are only emulating the big larpers and the chief larper himself, the anti-American, the anti-patriot Culture War Vulture, fake, prima donna, bully, chauvinist Jackson Hinkle. You should come to NY too you punk-ass bitch! This petty bourgeois poser in no way represents any of us or the proud, humble working class of this country. The anti-patriot cares more about his own ego than about the American people. Jackson spends more time with the Russian government than with the American people. His hunt for clout then is always our mess to clean up.
How destructive social media is to the soul!
December: Ali Hammoud went to Russia for an indefinite period of time last month. I received several phone calls from journalists, lawyers and revolutionaries in Russia complaining about his erratic and disturbing behavior. He was calling well-known Russian women “hoes.” They described him as completely discombobulated and disheveled. They did not know if he was drunk or bipolar.
And the EB? Again, these are not men; these are cowards. They said nothing.
Now: Look how the executive board has treated the state chapters. They can never post your tweets on time and now they have these harebrained ideas about paid recruitment and party businesses. How many comrades are investing their own money and time which they will inevitably lose because of the complete incompetency, lack of communication and mentorship? And who do you think is divvying up the profits they’ll bring in? Did you think these 20 year old punks could handle all the power, ego and money? Revolution is a woman’s job. And a man’s job. And every worker’s job.
Let me address the coward himself directly: Ali Hammoud: you are a dark, isolated antisocial individual who does not know how to work with others or see them as equals. Depending on your own conduct and that of your henchmen, depending on how quickly you shut down this racist, homophobic, anti-women, anti-American people, ideological fiasco, you’ll be learning a lot more about Ali Hammoud, Kyle Pettis, Carlos Garrido and others from the usurping Executive Board.
You fuckin’ cowards! You broke all of our hearts with your complete incompetency and selfishness. These are not communists; they are not even men. We’ll be waiting for you on 149th street you phoney-ass punks!
Comrades: in Shreveport, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Vancouver and everywhere in between: We did not fail. We tried something new. We grew, laughed and struggled together. The “American Communist Party” never was and never will be. This was just the beginning, a beginning scarred by dishonest corrupt misleadership which Fidel, Chavez and Evo would spit upon.
To all the true Marxist Leninist comrades: I see you. I know you’re strong. I have heard all of your critiques, especially the anonymous ones. Thank you for trusting me. I have no personal ambitions nor desire for ceremonial titles, like this conceited, fake “Chairman” Ali Hammoud.
To the Infrareds: busy doxing innocent people, innocent, hard-working Americans, being terminally online talking shit is not revolution. The Culture War Vulture Hinkle is playing the class enemy’s game and serving their interests. Find real role models! Serve the American people!
To anybody in the ACP on the fence: take time to breathe. Put the online crack down. Sort through all of the information that will inevitably emerge in the upcoming days so you can see that Hammoud, Pettis, Liger Smith and the rot of the EB are the wreckers.
Comrades: The last thing I ever wanted to be within the now defunct ACP was a whistleblower. All of you know me. This is not about ego. This is about the American people. This is about strong Marxist Leninist leadership, mentorship and training which this generation deserves and sorely needs.
As you will see every word laid out here I laid out to the cowardly Politburo. Brigid, Slava, Grayson, “Rev” (the other teenage Noah) Don etc. They even added this random dude “Abe” who never once was introduced to us, never once said a word and never once turned his camera on. They added him to chats across the country. These are not adults; these are spies.
With one exception, 1, everybody remained silent and has continually enabled Ali to act as a type of cult leader. All Hammoud’s liberal Midwestern Milkmaids, my former comrades turned sell outs, did was tone police those who stood up! By themselves!
If anyone remembers the violent Black Hammer cult, that is what is now in motion with an EB that openly tells us not to talk to anyone below our rank. There were signs that Pettis, Hammoud, Garrido and others were moving towards using physical violence as part of their “enforcement.” This is not Marxist leadership; a mini dictatorship has formed. They lied to us and wasted our time, comrades! The American people must hold them accountable as enemies of the emancipation we yearn for!
No one has felt your pain like me. I shook with fury and fought back at every turn. Often, all alone. With my family and loved ones. I feel nothing but revolutionary optimism comrades! I have zero personal ambitions to split or wreck like the wannabe “HAZ,” who has vulgarized and bastardized the most beautiful of traditions. A tradition of humanism, and of defending women, gay people and all down-and-out underdogs. Because comrades, that’s what the proletariat is!
Comrades: this is my official resignation from the national leadership of the ACP, as the Director of the International Department at the Midwestern Marx Institute and as a writer and chief ideologue in this burgeoning proto fascist cult.
Comrades: The 5-month nightmare is over. The healing and building begins.
To the American people and all the comrades from coast to coast who want to move forward: the Fetters have been removed. We never again have to defend the stupidity of these bullies and egomaniacs. Never again do we have to sit by as these idiots talk about taking Canada over when they have never even stood on a picket line. Never again do you have to swallow Hinkle’s anti-semetic, Duginist, anti-women, ego-driven, billionaire-boosted bullshit. Never again do you have to pretend to look the other way because he defends and promotes the criminal misogynist Andrew Tate, chuckling as we all work our asses off. Never again will Pettis, Hammoud or Garrido scream “fa&&ot” at any of us or our comrades. The future of the struggle comrades is not in social media, the class enemy’s terrain. It is in the streets grounded in the masses. Put your phones down and build with your class!
Ali Hammoud, Jackson Hinkle, Eddie Liger Smith, Noah Khrachvik and Kyle Pettis: shut down this incompetent criminal enterprise immediately! I will organize in the courts and in the streets until you take responsibility for your disgraceful disgusting Black Hammer cult reminiscent cowardice!
We real leaders — not fakes and criminals like Hammoud, Pettis and Hinkle, narcissists and mentally ill people — we real Americans have nothing but love for you and would never lie to you. With unflinching revolutionary Marxist Leninist optimism, I’ll see you in the streets comrades!
Danny Shaw, former Politburo, of the now defunct american communist party